I, the undersigned, hereby empower and permit, Rabbi Dovid Spiegel to act in my place and in my stead, to relinquish ownership, or give as a gift as he sees fit, all chometz possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly, at the present time, or which may come into my possession up until the 13th of Nissan, until the hour of chometz is to be sold. Including chometz, doubtful chometz, and all kinds of chometz. Mixtures, as well as all flour cereals alcohol, and any other drinks, cosmetics, medications, or any chometz imbedded in utensils. Whether these listed are inside or outside my house or any other premises of mine, either renter, or owned, where chometz may be found. Whether the chometz belongs to me, or only in my responsibility, Rabbi Dovid Spiegel has the right to lease all places of mine, where chometz can be found, as he deems fit and proper, and for the amount of time he deems necessary, in conformity with all rabbinical laws, as defined in the Torah and also in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, and the United States of America.